Woman’s College Tribute dedication April 22

Posted on April 13, 2023

Woman's College students, 1961

The access to education, dedication to learning, and commitment to service that are hallmarks of this campus’ Woman’s College era (1932-63) are being honored.

All members of the UNCG community are invited to a dedication and ribbon-cutting ceremony Saturday, April 22, at 1 p.m. on Stone Building’s lawn.

The Woman’s College Tribute celebrates a legacy, while also honoring the role the University played – and continues to play – in transforming students and communities.

A focal point is a sculpture. “Astera,” made of woven bronze, is a modern interpretation of Minerva and the embodiment of the aspirations and spirit of the women who passed through Woman’s College’s halls. Astera faces toward the Charles Duncan McIver Statue on the lawn of Jackson Library.

Designed in collaboration with landscape artist James Dinh and sculptor Michael Stutz, the Woman’s College Tribute is a circular communal space in front of the Mary Frances Stone Building. Brick walls surround the central statue. These three-tiered brick walls will hold planters with a rotating variety of seasonal flowers – including the University flower, the daisy.

Strategically spaced between the bricks are image panels composed of text and photographs from Woman’s College-era “Pine Needles” yearbooks.

Woman’s College Tribute Committee members are:
– Agnes Johnson Price ’62 (Chair)
– Emmy Mills ’62
– Sarah Shoffner ’62
– Jo Safrit ’57 (deceased, Jan. 17, 2023)
– Molly Roberts Brake ’62
– Geraldine Newton Fox ’63

Event organizers suggest attendees park in the McIver parking deck.

Questions? Visit the Alumni Engagement web site or email Mary Landers, director of Alumni Engagement, at [email protected].

Archival photograph: Woman’s College students, Stone Building Lawn, 1961

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